Greiving, Divorce and Kids

I see grief as a process of moving through the depth of one’s distress and sorrow so you can begin to heal. Getting a divorce, whether you want it or not, is agonizing and traumatic. You are grieving many things – loss of your primary intimate relationship, loss of daily contact with your children, loss of some level of financial security, and loss of your future as you envisioned and knew it. These losses come up again and again. When you allow yourself to fully grieve these losses, you can begin to heal.

CLICK HERE to watch my video on how grieving your divorce can transform your post-divorce and co-parenting life.

In Support ~




CatProfileCat J. Zavis is an Attorney, Mediator, Child Advocate, Coach for Parents co-parenting their children after divorce and Author of the upcoming book,Parenting with Your Ex: Another F***ing Growth Opportunity.” As a divorced mother of 2, she deeply understands the challenges, trauma and opportunities divorce provides. She has been practicing Nonviolent Communication, Mediation and Collaborative Law for 7 years. She conducts workshops and trainings in Nonviolent Communication for parents, lawyers, teachers, students, spiritual centers and professionals. In 2009, she was awarded a Peace Builder Award for her business. Her combination of personal experience and professional expertise give Cat a unique perspective and ability to help co parents learn to communicate effectively and powerfully to transform their relationships and interactions with their former after divorce so they and their children can thrive.

Cat can be reached at


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