If you are divorced with children and use your child to relay messages to your former, you put your child in the middle of your arguments, disagreements and negotiations. This is hard for anyone, but for a child it is particularly agonizing. This … [Read more...]
Is Your Ex Your Enemy?
It’s so easy to turn your former lover into your enemy, especially in a divorce with kids. You need to end the madness of your marriage and the sometimes the only way to do this is to make him/her into your enemy. After all, you’re in a war, right? … [Read more...]
Divorce with Children: Does Your Ex Still Push Your Buttons?
Long after the divorce, many couples remain emotionally entangled and when children are involved, co-parenting can be exasperating. Maybe your hot button issues are still active and your former knows exactly where to push to get you to react, or vice … [Read more...]
Feel Defensive with Your Co-Parent?
Have you ever asked yourself if old emotional hurts are still what drives your interactions with your Ex? And if you are in the middle of or had a divorce with kids, you may find that your emotional reactivity with your Ex carries over to the way you … [Read more...]
Divorce, Children, Co-Parenting – Take a Break!
I know how easy it is to get exhausted with the demands of keeping up with the ongoing needs of your children, especially as a divorced parent. It is hard to remember to take care of yourself, always trying to take care of everyone else first. … [Read more...]
Greiving, Divorce and Kids
I see grief as a process of moving through the depth of one’s distress and sorrow so you can begin to heal. Getting a divorce, whether you want it or not, is agonizing and traumatic. You are grieving many things – loss of your primary intimate … [Read more...]
Goodwill and Trust – Important Components in a Divorce with Kids
When getting divorced, it’s so easy to turn everything into a battle by always trying to prove your point and making the other person look bad. In a divorce with children, kids are often stuck in the middle. Rather than going down a path of divorce … [Read more...]
Don’t Try Divorce Alone!
Divorce is an incredibly difficult journey – no bones about it; you may be wracked with grief, stress, guilt and fear. Trying to navigate your divorce and co-parenting all alone is like rock climbing without having someone on the other end of your … [Read more...]
Emotions Can Wreak Havoc in a Divorce
Parents often are scared and don’t know how to proceed when they find themselves ready to get a divorce. They feel heartbroken, angry, terrified and shocked. At this emotional low-point in their lives, they often don’t know where to turn to help them … [Read more...]
Thank You to the Kids of Divorced Parents
Dear Children of Parents Who No Longer Live Together: I am deeply grateful for the lessons you have taught me. It is with humbleness and awe that I work with you and your parents and that I parent you myself. The challenges you face and the unrest … [Read more...]